Errol Primary

Errol Primary School
Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary

Term 3

Happy World Book Day everyone! What a fantastic collection of characters in Primary 2!




We supported our Charity Committee's fundraising venture by joining in Pyjamas Day. Our donations will help to purchase more dyslexia friendly books for the library. We had a very comfortable and cosy day. We've never done the Daily Mile in our pyjamas before!

Well done to everyone for learning and performing their Scots poems and congratulations to our three finalists.

We borrowed a topic box from Perth Museum and enjoyed exploring all the different toys and games it contained. We thought about the toys and games we enjoy using today and compared them with the toys from the past. We wrote about our views and explained which toys we preferred.




Term 2

We have been learning about road safety. We took part in a 'Wear it Bright' day. Be safe, be seen!

One of our topics in maths has been 2D shape. We can tell you about the properties of these shapes by describing their features. We looked for examples of 2D shapes in artwork and made our own pictures inspired by Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky.


We all had a great time at our Christmas party!

We also looked super in Christmas jumpers on our fundraising day.

We have been developing our gymnastics skills in PE and have been practising balancing and rolling. Can you recognise our pencil, hedgehog, teddy bear and forward rolls? We are working towards creating and performing a sequence of movements using high and low apparatus.




Term 1

We have been back at school for two weeks now and we have been busy already with lots of different learning activities. We have been working hard preparing our entries for the Errol Flower Show.

We have been exploring symmetry. We worked with a partner to make symmetrical patterns.


We have been investigating magnetism. We have sorted magnetic and non-magnetic items. We have really enjoyed designing and making magnetic games.