Errol Primary

Errol Primary School
Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary Life at Errol Primary

Parent Council 

Welcome to Errol Primary School Parent Council SC050267

Who are we?

We are the representatives of all the parents of primary and nursery aged children in Errol Primary School. 

What do we do?

The parent council meets regularly to look at ways in which we can work in partnership with the school to raise funds for resources, equipment and assisting with transport costs. As well as, engage in activities which support the education and welfare of our children. Meetings are held approximately every two months, publicised in advance and all parents and teachers are welcome to join. 

How can I get involved?

Any parent of Errol Primary School children is welcome to come along to our parent council meetings, which are held roughly once term on a Tuesday and Wednesday night via Zoom/Teams.

There are many ways to be involved:

  • Volunteering - help out at fundraising events or with school activities
  • Participating - come along and support our events with your families 
  • Donating - provide raffle prizes or home baking to support fundraising events
  • Contributing - share your ideas and thoughts with us to shape future activities (box at the school office)